Announcement: Athens Airport – Akrata Train Service Begins

TRAINOSE announced the start of the new service connecting Kiato to Aigio, with Akrata being one of the intermediate stops, from Monday 22nd of June.

The new service will allow linking the broader region of Aigeialeia, via Proastiakos (Suburban Railway), with Athens, the mainline rail network, the port of Piraeus, as well as Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Velizelos” (AIA).

With regards to Akrata, according to the announcement by TRAINOSE AE, there will be 6 groups of services, from Aigio to Athens or AIA, and from Athens or AIA to Aigio.


  • For the route Aigio-Kiato-AIA will be available 3 services, with departure time from Aigio; 07:38, 12:38 και 17:38.
  • For the route Aigio-Kiato-Athens-Piraeus will be available 3 services, with departure times from Aigio: 09:57, 14:57 και 19:33.
  • For the route Piraeus-Athens-Kiato-Aigio will be available 3 services, with departure times from Piraeus: 04:38* (from Athens), 09:17 and 14:17.
  • For the route AIA-Kiato-Aigio will be available 3 services, with departure times from the Airport: 06:49, 11:49 και 16:49.

It is clarified that in all services will be a transfer at Kiato station from an electic powered carriage to a diesel one and vice versa, without a change in platform. The change will delay the journey for 5-6 minutes.

Lastly it is noted that in all routes there is connection will the major transport hubs, via Athens Suburban Railway network (Proastiakos).

For further info, such as ticket issuing or covid-19 measures, you can refer to the announcement at Trainose official website (in greek).

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